Grant Schemes



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Overseas Special Training Programme (OSTP)

Recognizing that scientific knowledge and its applications are central for national development at all levels, the National Science Foundation in alignment with the National Science Technology and Innovation Strategy has introduced the Overseas Special Training Programme (OSTP) to financially assist scientific and technical personnel, (science administrators, science educators, S&T policy makers & science communicators) as well as full time research students to acquire overseas training up to 12 months.

The objective of the OSTP is to enhance national capacities by providing opportunities for training to obtain advanced laboratory & research skills, industrial, technical experience, science teaching and communication skills at centres of excellence abroad. The main premise is that such skills development and industrial experience would not be available in Sri Lanka in the foreseeable future.

The scheme is available;

  1. Training Fellowships - for specialized training at internationally recognized Institutions.
  2. Traveling Fellowships - to specialized institutions and research facilities for short term training or to develop collaborative programmes. 
  3. Training Scholarships - for technical personal, S&T aligned personal and full time research students to obtain training in specific areas

Preference will be given to training in areas identified under the thrust areas (Ten Thrust areas) identified by the Ten by Ten Matrix of focus areas and interventions under National Research and Development Investment Framework. Applicants from private sector organizations will also be considered on a matching funds basis.


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