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Awards Schemes


National Awards for Science & Technology Achievements (NASTA)

National Awards for Science & Technology Achievements are destined to exclusively recognize the significant contributions made by Sri Lankan scientists, engineers, technologists and entrepreneurs towards the economic and social development of Sri Lanka through significant science & technology inputs. Transformation of knowledge into products, processes, services or solutions that add value across industry for maximum socio-economic benefit is one aspect promoted by this awards scheme. Secondly, it is designed to enhance innovative culture and capacity for economic advantage.

National Awards for Science & Technology Achievements are destined to exclusively recognize the significant contributions made by Sri Lankan scientists, engineers, technologists and entrepreneurs towards the economic and social development of Sri Lanka through significant science & technology inputs. Transformation of knowledge into products, processes, services or solutions that add value across industry for maximum socio-economic benefit is one aspect promoted by this awards scheme. Secondly, it is designed to enhance innovative culture and capacity for economic advantage. Applications were  called last in December, 2017 and  evaluation was completed in 2018. The Award ceremony is pending.

Next call of applications will be informed later.

Award Categories

  1. Individual/team/institutional outstanding leadership in promoting & developing S&T
  2. Excellence in multidisciplinary team efforts in the application of S&T
  3. Excellence in public-private partnerships built in the application of S&T
  4. Excellence in international collaboration for advancement of S&T
  5. Adaption of technologies to large industries
  6. Transfer of technologies to SMEs
  7. Harnessing S&T for sustainable development
  8. Innovative applications of advanced technologies
  9. Value addition to local natural resources (biological, earth & marine resources etc.)
  10. Development of viable substitutes for imports (acquired or adapted) and acquired or adapted technologies resulting in successfully exported products/ services
  11. Outstanding S & T contributions having a significant impact on the nation
  12. Mainstreaming indigenous knowledge for S & T development
  13. Improvement of productivity, quality and competitiveness of products/processes/services through application of S&T

Director General,
National Science Foundation,
47/5, Maitland Place,
Colombo 07.

NSF Research Awards

This scheme was initiated in order to bestow on NSF grant recipients who have attained a high level of excellence in their research work, the recognition they deserve and to recognize their contribution to the advancement of science.  At present NSF Research Awards are given annually for projects completed during the previous year.  Recommendations are made by National/Research Committees based on final reports submitted by grantees.

NSF Technology Awards

The purpose of the award is to bestow on grantees from state and non state sector for carrying out technology development related work and market driven innovations of outstanding merit carried out under NSF supported grants. Click here more

TWAS/NSF Young Scientists Award

The TWAS/NSF Prizes for Young Scientists are awarded annually to talented young scientists who have excelled in research work, in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Each award consists of a cash prize granted by TWAS and a certificate. The applications received in this regard are evaluated by respective Thematic Research Committees and nominees are forwarded to the Board of Management of NSF for approval. Read More

SUSRED (Support Scheme for Supervision of Research Degrees)

SUSRED (Support Scheme for Supervision of Research Degrees) is a NSF award given to Supervisors of postgraduate research degrees (MPhils and PhDs) and Departments/Divisions/Units of institutions that support postgraduate research in Sri Lanka, in recognition of the service to the nation. 

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