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International Liaison Division

"Partner in Science across the seas"

The International Liaison Division (ILD) was established at the National Science Foundation in January 2005 with a view to meet the requirements stated in the Science & Technology Development Act No.11 of 1994 to foster the interchange of scientific information among scientists in Sri Lanka and foreign countries. It promotes and assists Sri Lankan scientists and technologists to participate in meetings and short term research work abroad, and to arrange for expatriate scientists and technologies to work in Sri Lanka on short term assignments. ILD promotes and facilitates the return of Sri Lankan scientists and technologists of distinction working outside Sri Lanka and the visibility of Lankan Scientists internationally.

To enable Sri Lankan scientific & technical personnel, as well as science communicators, to acquire the necessary skills & expertise to promote institutional strengthening & capacity building in order to meet the challenges of an industrializing society. ILD establishes and maintains liaison with individuals, associations or institutions in other countries with regard to research in science and technology, and on the impact of such research on national development.

To facilitate international liaison to foster the interchange of scientific information among scientists in Sri Lanka and abroad
To establish and maintain liaison with individuals, associations or institutions in other countries and promote the visibility of Sri Lankan scientists internationally


    • Assist Sri Lankan scientists to participate & present their research findings at foreign seminars & conferences. Also provide a platform for capacity building.
    • To ensure Sri Lanka's contribution towards International Science & Technology activities.
    • To encourage Young Scientists who have attained a high level of excellence in research work.
    • To ensure that research is promoted and applications for International Fellowships/ Scholarships/ Awards encouraged.
    • To ensure that Sri Lankan Scientists are benefited from bilateral and multilateral institutions.


    • International Travel Grants
    • Overseas Special Training Programme (OSTP)
    • International Partnerships for Science and Technology (IPSAT)
    • Annual TWAS/NSF Prize for Young Scientists
    • Initiate and Manage other international agreements to which NSF is a signatory party (nodal point) - TWAS, ICSU, ICGEB, SIDA, IFS, MOST, STEPAN etc.

The Division supports NSF's role as the national focal point for, inter alia, the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), the International Council for Scientific Unions (ICSU),  the International Foundation for Science (IFS), Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and Science and Technology Policy Asian Network (STEPAN).

Few Key Activities-2011 - 2013

    • International Partnership for S&T (IPSAT)
    • Global Forum follow up activities  http://www.scitechforum.lk
    • Periodic review of International Biosphere Reserves
    • Revision of the publication on Natural Resources of Sri Lanka
    • SAARC working group on Biotechnology meeting

Contact :

Mr. S.M.A.W. Anuruddha (Head of the Division)
Senior Scientific Officer
Ext : 124
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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