"Research is the Foundation of Knowledge"
The activities of the Research Division are mainly focused on the scientific community in Sri Lanka through provision of funds under various grant schemes. Over the past several decades NSF has supported numerous Research, Development & Innovation activities/ programmes in all fields of Science & Technology with a view to enhance the outputs and outcomes of the research and innovations, which will ultimately benefit the Sri Lankan society. Accordingly the NSF has facilitated harnessing of the independent, individual, intellectual capacity of scientists for RD&I and encouraged institutions and scientists to carry out quality research and innovations directed towards the socio-economic development of Sri Lanka.
To take the lead in mobilizing scientific research in order to enhance the quality of life of the people of Sri Lanka.
To initiate, facilitate and support basic and applied scientific research by universities, and Science & Technology institutions in Sri Lanka including multidisciplinary collaborative research that address themes of national importance.
To award scholarships and fellowships to outstanding Sri Lankan postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers for scientific work at S & T institutions.
- Promote Research & Development activities in the country for National Development.
- Initiate facilitate and support basic and applied scientific research including the research in social sciences and science education programmes by Universities, Science and Technology institutions and scientists to establish a sustainable and viable research culture for the greater benefit of the country.
- Address national needs and drive the national research system to produce well defined outputs that can be harnessed for national development.
- Capacity building in Science & Technology
Activities of the division
- National Thematic Research Programme
- Competitive Research Grants Scheme
- ICRP Grants (Reviewing & Monitoring)
- Research Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Research Scientists Scheme
- Research Scholarships
- Research Equipment Grants Scheme
- Spare Parts for Research Equipment Grants Scheme
- Funding the Page Charges of Publications of Sri Lankan Scientists
- NSF Research Awards
Few Key activities of 2018
- NSF Awards Ceremony
- Stakeholder Meeting on ‘Identifying Research Gaps in Ocean & Marine Sciences’
- Interactive Workshop on converting a draft manuscript to a ‘Ready to Publish’ manuscript
- Seminar on ‘Fake or Predatory Journals: The impact on research and development’
Contact :
Dr S A V Moorthy (Head of the Division)
Principal Scientific Officer
Ext : 120
Email : gowry@nsf.gov.lk